On Thursday afternoon, we arrived at last in Anchorage. The sun shone and the birds cheeped. Well, sort of. Our new rented home is only a block from our former house. After meeting our landlord Richard and moving the contents of the car including two cats into our new home, we went for a walk in our new (and old) neighborhood. The familiarity of it all was offset by a new house here, some taller bushes there. It is taking some getting used to.
The next day it began raining like crazy as if we had somehow brought the weather with us. It's been raining ever since. Ah well, a glimpse of sunshine will have to do.
We've been driving around making all the changes to utilities and phone and buying things we need right now. Because of a snafu, our container has been delayed until later this week so we are making do with a folding chair here and a borrowed futon there. Last night, Monday, Simon arrived in one piece from his two weeks in Washington. He had a great time visiting friends and we are very glad to have him back. Our adventure in Anchorage begins today. Please drop us an email, card or call. Thanks for following.
Jimmie, Kami and Simon
739 West 15th Avenue
Anchorage AK 99501
(our new home number)
907-350-2132 Kami cell
907-360-3860 Jimmie cell