Friday, June 29, 2012

This afternoon Simon noticed I had opened this blog and exclaimed "You haven't posted anything in two years!" Sadly, it's true. We have moved again, last year, no less, but only across town to our dream house. Here is our current and, we hope, for at least a couple years, address and numbers. Call or come by anytime:

Jimmie Froehlich, Kami Hutchins and Simon Froehlich
2702 West 29th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99517


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anchorage, For Now

On Thursday afternoon, we arrived at last in Anchorage. The sun shone and the birds cheeped. Well, sort of. Our new rented home is only a block from our former house. After meeting our landlord Richard and moving the contents of the car including two cats into our new home, we went for a walk in our new (and old) neighborhood. The familiarity of it all was offset by a new house here, some taller bushes there. It is taking some getting used to.

The next day it began raining like crazy as if we had somehow brought the weather with us. It's been raining ever since. Ah well, a glimpse of sunshine will have to do.

We've been driving around making all the changes to utilities and phone and buying things we need right now. Because of a snafu, our container has been delayed until later this week so we are making do with a folding chair here and a borrowed futon there. Last night, Monday, Simon arrived in one piece from his two weeks in Washington. He had a great time visiting friends and we are very glad to have him back. Our adventure in Anchorage begins today. Please drop us an email, card or call. Thanks for following.
Jimmie, Kami and Simon
739 West 15th Avenue
Anchorage AK 99501
(our new home number)
907-350-2132 Kami cell
907-360-3860 Jimmie cell


Saturday, July 24, 2010



The container, at last loaded with all our worldy stuff, was driven away on Monday. It goes on a ship to Seward and will be trucked to Anchorage sometime next week, we hope. Our adventure began Tuesday at 3AM as we raced around the near-empty house packing up the car with cats, sleeping bags and what-not. 

We boarded the ferry for the 14 hour trip with a ferry change in Juneau. After arriving in Haines we drove another 150 miles to Haines Junction in the Yukon Territory of Canada. It's remarkable we had to cross national borders to move to another area of the same state.

On Wednesday we drove 300 miles from Haines Junction to Tok. It took all day and it rained all day. The Al-Can Highway, as this section is called, is in a perpetual state of disrepair. We managed to entertain ourselves through the day of dismal road and weather.

Monday, July 19, 2010

We’re Outta Here

It’s come to this. Another empty house, another moving scenario. This time there is no panic. Kami and Jimmie are just sitting and waiting for the container to be picked up at noon. We have been cleaning and packing. We have the rest of the afternoon to return a few things and drop off keys. The landlord walks through at three and we have been invited to dinner with friends.The cats know something is up - most of their soft beds have disappeared.
Our ferry leaves at 5AM (that’s right) so we will pack up the car tonight and try to sleep before our early morning departure. What have we forgotten?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Saturday we sent Simon off to Anchorage by himself, a big deal we think. It was hard to see him go. He will spend the next two weeks in Washington visiting friends and relaxing while his parents complete the task of moving. More and more of our things are being packed and stacked. However did we get so much stuff?

Since we sold most of our furniture we are left with boxes (and more boxes) of mementos, do-dads, flotsam and knicknacks. The container arrives tomorrow and we have until Monday to fill it. We should have plenty of room but packing always takes longer to do well. Kami works until Friday and Jimmie is anxious. 

We were feeling like banana slugs over the weekend. Somehow we managed a to enjoy a final hike on beautiful Beaver Lake Trail in the rain.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Raining on our parade

Happy Fourth of July! It was a wet parade, but no one seemed to mind. Afterward we went home and ate barbeque on our folding table and camp chairs. Simon continues with Arts Camp for music and Kami struggles to keep up with her job as the days close in on us. The cats enjoy digging in the boxes we haven't taped shut.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Three weeks to go

Packing has slowed and we've been tying up loose ends. Kami is still working at the hospital. The cats got their travel shots yesterday. We are just waiting until it is time to pack up the container. 

Simon has been involved in the music camp and was invited to participate with the high school group. He has had a wonderful opportunity to learn more technique and improve his music skills during the Sitka Fine Arts Camp. Here is a link to his performance last week. 

We hope previous pictures did not give the impression that Sitka is a sunny place. In the last two weeks we have seen the sun on two days. Here are tourists from the cruise ships enjoying Sitka's weather.